And then it really snowed. I'm pretty sure it's the same storm system that's now assaulting the east coast, but it came through here and dumped a fair amount of snow on us. This is a lot of snow for us in October; the temperatures and snow in general aren't unheard of, but this is more than usual.
Click to embiggen pictures.
Our back deck area. And still snowing!
The tree in the front. The branches aren't normally anywhere near the ground.
Those branches from underneath.
Our husky, Chai.
He looks a little terrified here, lol. He absolutely loves when it snows, though.
Chai expresses his love of snow by shoveling it. With his face.
And it's awesome.
We want him to make snow angels for us.
The snow has mostly melted, now, but is still clinging in the shadows. And we're supposed to get more next Wednesday. I can't wait. (Except it's that other thing, where I hate snow.)
I do have some nice pictures of the autumn color to post though, so I'll try and do that soon. :)